The FIRational structure represents a fraction via two Int32 instances which are interpreted as numerator and denominator.

Namespace:  FreeImageAPI
Assembly:  FreeImageNET (in FreeImageNET.dll)


public struct FIRational : IConvertible, 
	IComparable, IFormattable, IComparable<FIRational>, IEquatable<FIRational>
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Structure FIRational _
	Implements IConvertible, IComparable, IFormattable, IComparable(Of FIRational),  _
	IEquatable(Of FIRational)
Visual C++
public value class FIRational : IConvertible, 
	IComparable, IFormattable, IComparable<FIRational>, IEquatable<FIRational>


The structure tries to approximate the value of FIRational(Decimal) when creating a new instance by using a better algorithm than FreeImage does.

The structure implements the following operators: +, -, ++, --, ==, != , >, >==, <, <== and ~ (which switches nominator and denomiator).

The structure can be converted into all .NET standard types either implicit or explicit.

Version Information


Supported in: 3.11.0, 3.12.0, 3.13.0, 3.13.1

See Also