The FreeImage Project

All News

July 31st, 2018: FreeImage 3.18.0 released

Release 3.18.0 is a maintenance release that mainly brings updates of its third party libraries.
The library has been updated with the new ZLib (1.2.11), LibJPEG (9c), LibPNG (1.6.35), LibTIFF (4.0.9), LibRaw (0.19.0), LibWebP (1.0.0), OpenEXR (2.2.1).
Other significant improvements concern better support for JPEG saving (when using 32-bit CMYK images) and PSD saving.
Lastly, the library contains many bug fixes provided by our users (will concern especially plugins PCX, TIFF, XPM, GIF, TARGA, PSD, BMP, DDS, PNG, HDR).
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

March 15th, 2015: FreeImage 3.17.0 released

Release 3.17.0 adds many improvements for ICO, TIFF, PNG, HDR, TGA, GIF, RAW, JXR, JP2, Exif plugins. It comes with new conversion functions for RGBA16/RGBAF formats, as well as new functions used to deal with external pixel buffers (ConvertFromRawBitsEx, CreateView). Other useful added functions are ReslaleRect, GetMemorySize, SetMetadataKeyValue and the FIQ_LFPQUANT quantizer algorithm.
The library has been updated with the new LibPNG (1.6.16), LibTIFF (4.0.4), LibRaw (0.17.a1), LibWebP (0.4.2), OpenEXR (2.2.0).
FreeImage is also distributed with updated VB6, Delphi and C++ wrappers.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

March 23rd, 2014: FreeImage 3.16.0 released

Release 3.16.0 brings two brand new plugins: a WebP plugin and a JPEG-XR plugin. It also provides better support for RAW, JPEG-2000, BMP, SGI, ICO, PSD, TIFF, TGA, GIF formats, as well as enhanced functions for JPEG lossless transformations. The rescale function is also slightly improved.
The library has been updated with the new ZLib (1.2.8), LibJPEG (9a), LibPNG (1.6.10), LibTIFF (4.0.3), LibRaw (0.16.0), OpenJPEG (2.1.0), LibWebP (0.4.0), LibJXR (1.1).
FreeImage is also distributed with an updated VB6 wrapper.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

October 27th, 2012: FreeImage 3.15.4 released

Release 3.15.4 is a maintenance release that brings several updates of its third party libraries. Significant fixes concern JPEG, TIFF, PNG, RAW and DDS plugins.
Other significant improvements concern the rescale function, as well as multi-threading safety.
The library has been updated with the new ZLib (1.2.7), LibPNG (1.5.13), LibTIFF (4.0.3), LibRaw (0.14.7), OpenJPEG (1.5.1), OpenEXR (1.7.1).
FreeImage is also distributed with an updated VB6 wrapper and an updated Delphi wrapper.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

March 17th, 2012: FreeImage 3.15.3 released

Release 3.15.3 is a maintenance release that mainly fix 64-bit compilation issues.
The library has been updated with the new LibPNG (1.5.9), LibTIFF (4.0.1). FreeImage is also distributed with an updated VB6 wrapper.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

February 20th, 2012: FreeImage 3.15.2 released

Release 3.15.2 is a maintenance release that brings several updates of its third party libraries.
Other significant fixes concern JPEG, Exif, TIFF, ICO, PNG, J2K, IFF plugins.
The library has been updated with the new LibRaw (0.14.5), LibPNG (1.5.8), LibJPEG (8d), ZLib (1.2.6), OpenJPEG (1.5.0), LibTIFF (4.0.0).
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

July 25th, 2011: FreeImage 3.15.1 released

Release 3.15.1 is a maintenance release that brings several fixes for TIFF, JPEG, BMP, PCX and CUT plugins.
The most significant fixes concern the security against malicious images, so that an update is highly recommended.
The library has been updated with the new libtiff (3.9.5), libpng (1.5.4), libraw (0.13.7) and OpenJPEG (1.5.0) libraries. FreeImage is also distributed with updated C++ and Delphi wrappers.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

January 24th, 2011: FreeImage 3.15.0 released

Release 3.15.0 mainly add support for thumbnail loading / saving, as well as better support for JPEG, Exif, TIFF, TARGA, ICO, PSD, BMP formats.
The library has been updated with the new libjpeg (8c), libtiff (3.9.4), libpng (1.4.5), OpenJPEG (1.4.0) and libraw (0.13-Beta3) libraries.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

August 12th, 2010: FreeImage 3.14.1 released

Release 3.14.1 remove OpenMP support in order to minimize dependencies. This release also brings more support for the FIF_LOAD_NOPIXELS loading flag.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

August 9th, 2010: FreeImage 3.14.0 released

Release 3.14.0 brings several enhancements for multi-page images manipulation and better support for TIF, TARGA, PSD, JPEG, EXR, JNG, GIF and PICT formats.
A new loading flag (FIF_LOAD_NOPIXELS) now allows to 'ping' image files (i.e. load only metadata without pixels). See especially 'FreeImage_HasPixels' and 'FreeImage_FIFSupportsNoPixels'.
The JPEG plugin can now load & save raw Exif data (i.e. unmodified raw metadata - see the brand new FIMD_EXIF_RAW metadata model) and the TIFF plugin can now load all available Exif data.
Thanks to our users, 64-bit portability has been improved (especially for 1-bit TIFF images).
As for HDR users, a new FreeImage_ConvertToFloat function is available, as well as better support for conversions in FreeImage_ConvertToRGBF & FreeImage_ConvertToType

What else ?
The library has been updated with the new zlib (1.2.5), libjpeg (8b), libtiff (3.9.4), libpng (1.4.3), OpenEXR (1.7.0), OpenJPEG (1.4.0) and libraw (0.10-Beta3) libraries.
FreeImage is also distributed with updated VB6/VBA, Delphi and C++ wrappers.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

December 22nd, 2009: FreeImage 3.13.1 released

Release 3.13.1 is a maintenance release that brings several fixes for J2K/JP2, TIFF, MNG, PSD and PNG plugins, so that an update is highly recommended.
The library has been updated with the new libtiff (3.9.2), libpng (1.2.41) and OpenJPEG (1.3.0) libraries. FreeImage is also distributed with updated VB6, C# and C++ wrappers.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes).

September 29th, 2009: FreeImage 3.13.0 released

Release 3.13.0 adds loading support for RAW camera formats, for the PICT format and improves loading of PSD, JNG and TARGA formats. New functions are available for background filling, image rotation, lossless JPEG transformation, tone mapping and multi-page handling.
The library has been updated with the new libjpeg (7.0), libtiff (3.9.1), libpng (1.2.40) and libraw-lite (0.7.2) libraries. FreeImage is also distributed with updated VB6/VBA and C# wrappers.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

April 14th, 2009: FreeImage 3.12.0 released

Release 3.12.0 is a maintenance release that brings several internal enhancements suggested by our users and also add support for the PFM format.
The library has been updated with the new libtiff (3.9.0), libpng (1.2.35) and OpenJPEG (1.3.0) libraries. FreeImage is also distributed with an updated C# wrapper.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

July 28th, 2008: FreeImage 3.11.0 released

Release 3.11.0 mainly adds new compression options to the JPEG and PNG plugins, RGBF support to the TIFF plugin, Vista icons support in ICO Plugin. A new function named FreeImage_CloneMetadata is now available.
Lastly, the library has been updated with the new libtiff (3.9.0), libpng (1.2.29), libMNG (1.0.10) and OpenJPEG (1.3.0) libraries. FreeImage is also distributed with an updated VB6/VBA wrapper and a brand new C# wrapper.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

November 19th, 2007: FreeImage 3.10.0 released

Release 3.10.0 comes with two new HDR formats, JPEG2000 and OpenEXR, as well as the now famous 'Fattal tone mapping algorithm'.
To Linux users : the library now make use of the gcc 'visibility' option, so that previous incompatibilities reported with some libraries such as GTK should now belong to the past.
What else ?
This release brings some new palette and color manipulation functions as well as numerous bug fixes reported by our users.
Lastly, the library has been updated with the new libtiff (3.9.0), libpng (1.2.22), OpenEXR (1.6.1) and OpenJPEG (1.2.0) libraries. FreeImage is also distributed with an updated VB6/VBA wrapper.
As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

February 11th, 2007: FreeImage 3.9.3 released

This maintenance release improves the speed of the GIF encoder, adds a new JPEG downsampling feature (useful to generate thumbnails) and also provides a better MacOSX makefile. As usual, check the changes log for full details (especially for bug fixes) and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

October 30th, 2006: FreeImage 3.9.2 released

This maintenance release adds full support for 16-bit greyscale and 48-bit RGB to the PNM plugin, adds IPTC writing support to JPEG & TIFF plugins and adds a new FreeImage_JPEGCrop function. As usual, check the changes log for full details and check also the updated FreeImage documentation.

As you can see, the FreeImage web site design has been revamped. Many thanks to Varush Chadha for this :)

July 16th 2006: FreeImage 3.9.1 released

Release 3.9.1 fixes a bug in the GIF plugin. This bug may cause FreeImage to crash on some malformed GIF files, so that an update is highly recommended.

July 6th 2006: FreeImage 3.9.0 released

Release 3.9.0 brings two new plugins for SGI and raw FAX G3 formats, better support for HDR images in the rescale function, a new thumbnail generation function, as well as several internal code enhancements. The library has been updated with the new libtiff (3.8.2) and libpng (1.2.12) libraries. FreeImage is also distributed with improved wrappers (VB6/VBA, C++ and Delphi). Lastly, many bugs reported by our users have been fixed (check the changes log for details) and the PDF documentation has been updated.

May 18th 2006: FreeImage documentation translated into Chinese

Thanks to the formidable work of Lipinzhong, the FreeImage documentation is now available in Chinese.

September 5th 2005: FreeImage 3.8.0 released

Release 3.8.0 brings new unicode functions, better support for 16- and 48-bit conversion, and improved internal code: the library has been updated with the new zlib (1.2.3) and libtiff (3.7.3) libraries. FreeImage is also distributed with a brand new VB6/VBA wrapper. Lastly, many bugs occuring with unusual image types have been fixed (see the changes log for details).

August 30th 2005: FreeImagePy released

FreeImagePy is a brand new FreeImage Python wrapper based on ctypes.
Have a look to the FreeImagePy home page for more info !

May 7th 2005: FreeImage 3.7.0 released

This new release brings many new features and internal enhancements suggested by our users.
The main additions concern the support for HDR and 48-bit TIFF/PNG images, together with new tone mapping functions, a brand new GIF plugin supporting animation metadata and multipage files, a new color quantization function and a new lossless JPEG rotation and flipping function.
Check also the updated C++ wrapper and of course the updated documentation.

February 20th 2005: FreeImage 3.6.1 released

This maintenance release fixes a memory leak occuring in the metadata API. As this also affects bitmap loading, upgrade is highly recommended.

February 13th 2005: FreeImage 3.6.0 released

FreeImage 3.6.0 brings many internal improvments with better toolkit functions (rotate, rescale), better support for the metadata API from other languages, better compression for the GIF plugin, and also an updated Delphi wrapper.
As usual, check the changes log for full details :)

December 29th 2004: FreeImage 3.5.3 released

Release 3.5.3 is a maintenance release that is worth the try : the library has been updated with the new zlib (1.2.2), libpng (1.2.8) and libtiff (3.7.1) libraries. This means better performance and less bugs !
What else ? This release brings a better rotation function (that also work with 1-bit images) and provides a brand new Delphi wrapper. As usual, check the changes log for other details about the bug fixes and the enhancements.

November 28th 2004: FreeImage 3.5.2 released

One of the most important Open Source philosophies is "Release early, Release often": it is the quickest way to bug-free code, and this is what we intend to do with this 3.5.2 release.
Release 3.5.2 fixes a second bug found in the FreeImage_Clone function. I hope this is the last one :)

November 26th 2004: FreeImage 3.5.1 released

Release 3.5.1 is a maintenance release that fixes a bug in the (widely used) FreeImage_Clone function and also some other bugs with the TIFF plugin. Lastly, this distribution includes a new Delphi wrapper. As for the QT wrapper, you will now find it in the Source Code section of this site.

November 1st 2004: FreeImage 3.5.0 released

FreeImage 3.5.0 brings two new features: a set of functions to deal with memory IO streams and a set of functions to deal with image metadata. Memory IO streams will ease the use of load/save functions with memory buffers. As for metadata, new functions have been added to support the creation, manipulation, loading and saving of image metadata (Exif - including GPS and Maker notes -, IPTC, XMP and GeoTIFF).
This new release includes the new LibTIFF, LibPNG and LibMNG releases. Finally, it provides an enhanced C++ wrapper.

July 8th 2004: FreeImage 3.4.0 released

Release 3.4.0 is especially useful to TIFF and TARGA users. It reintroduces the LZW compression algorithm (for which the patent expired) and also adds a new GIF plugin. This release also solves many minor bugs so that everyone should upgrade it's version to this release.
As usual, check the changes log for full details :)

May 2nd 2004 : FreeImage 3.3.0 released

This new release of the library brings many improvments regarding cross-platform compatibility. FreeImage now works successfully under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Other improvments include XPM plugin (better load support, save support added), PNG plugin (16-bit greyscale images can be loaded or saved in their native format) and also minor bug fixes reported by users. Check the change log for details and check also the updated documentation for more info regarding platform independant pixel access.

March 16th 2004 : FreeImage 3.2.1 released

Release 3.2.1 of the library is a maintenance release for users of the TIFF, DDS and TGA formats. It also adds minor improvements to the Copy and Rescale functions.

February 18th 2004 : FreeImage 3.2.0 released

This release adds new functions to deal with transparent images (especially PNG images). It also adds support for ICC profiles in PNG images and a new DDS loader plugin (used to load DirectDraw Surfaces). Some minor bugs were fixed with JPEG compressed TIFF and Targa images. Lastly, the C++ wrapper and the PDF documentation have been updated.
As usual, check the change log for details and happy coding :)

January 24th 2004 : FreeImage 3.1.0 released

After 4 years of development, FreeImage is still improving and now supports loading, saving and manipulating of scientific images (16-bit greyscale, double, complex and more). This release also adds new pixel manipulation functions. Check the change log for details and don't forget to check the updated documentation !

November 16th 2003 : FreeImage 3.0.4 released

Release 3.0.4 of the library fixes several minor problems reported by FreeImage users, especially with the use of alpha channel (check the changes log for details). It also improves the overall robustness of the library regarding JPEG and PNG files.

November 2nd 2003 : FreeImage 3.0.3 released

This new release of the library fixes two minor bugs: one with the TIFF plugin and the other with the 32-bit conversion routines.
Thanks to Ryan, FreeImage now compiles under RedHat 7.3, RedHat 9 and MacOSX.

October 27th 2003 : FreeImage 3.0.2 released

FreeImage now works under Linux (tested with RedHat 9). This release also fixes a bug discovered in FreeImage_Copy.

October 20th 2003 : FreeImage 3.0.1 released

This release fixes some minor bugs, especially with BMP and TIFF plugins. It also adds a new C# wrapper to the library.

September 8th 2003 : FreeImage 3.0.0 released

FreeImage 3.0 is a brand new FreeImage release. It breaks compatibility with earlier versions of FreeImage.
This release adds major internal improvments. It also adds a new XPM loader, support for multipage ICO and the FreeImage Toolkit: a set of standard bitmap manipulation routines.
Lastly, check the updated documentation and the new FreeImage C++ wrapper named FreeImagePlus.

May 25th 2003 : FreeImage 2.6.1 released

This release fixes a bug in TIFF writer, unfortunately introduced in release 2.6.0. Sorry for the annoyance :(
In this release, you will also find new routines for ICC profiles support and a new XBM loader. Check also the updated documentation.

May 12th 2003 : FreeImage has a new home page

FreeImage web site is now officially hosted on SourceForge.
From theses pages, you will find all the stuff related to the powerful image library : general info, forums, download page, developers links, bug tracker and many more !
Feel free to post your comments on the Open Discussion forum !

May 5th 2003 : FreeImage 2.6.0 released

After a long hibernation period, FreeImage is finally back again with a new release : FreeImage 2.6.0. Among other things, FreeImage 2.6.0 adds some minor internal improvments, and two new conversion routines : FreeImage_Threshold and FreeImage_Dither.
Enjoy :)




© 2003-2023 by FreeImage
Page maintained by Hervé Drolon



Website Design by Web World Expert

Licensed under Creative Commons License